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Speaking in an exclusive interview, Dr. Rotimi Animashahun, a Psychologist with the Guidance and Counselling Department of the University of Ibadan revealed that there are positive correlations between love and psychological well-being though this shouldn’t be restricted to February 14th alone.
“Researches so far indicate positive correlation between love and psychological well-being and this is revealed in many life instances.
“It has been discovered that people in love and are loved report fewer depressive symptoms compared to those who are not. This argument is further strengthened when you compare the life of happily married couples with that of separated or divorced adults. The latter report more depressive symptoms”.
According to Animashahun, so far, quasi-experimental studies carried on both singles and married who were in love revealed that being in love made people far less likely to suffer psychological illness. Such people, over the years have been discovered to live much longer.
“Love also makes them healthier and happier and both men and women benefit greatly from this natural gift from God.
“One of the findings I have made so far is that love actually makes the difference. And to enhance psychological well-being, you have to begin with love as the foundation”.
Thus, if you’re not in love, don’t feel loved or are grappling with love turned sour, watch it as that has also been discovered to have adverse effect on the mental health of individuals.
According to Prof. Adeyemi, Head of Psychiatric Department, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, it had been consistently discovered that the highest rates of mental disorder occurred among those who either felt unloved or were actually unloved, while it wasn’t so common among those in love filled environment.
“Human beings are born with an innate need to be loved and love others and this leads to fulfillment which in turn affects the mental state of the individual. So, when unfulfilled, this could have variety of adverse effects on health, and well-being
“Attachment, love and flourishing relationships are actually in fulfillment of the universal human need for belonging while this directly contribute to their mental well-being” he stated.
Dr. Dosekun
“That means companionship is the strongest essence of living and in any relationship. God created us to be social animals so when anyone is alone, there’s highest tendencies for depression, while loneliness is completely against psychological well-being.
“Even God knew that love will amount to positive emotions like laughter, happiness and will elongate life. When you’re in love; you’ll live long.
“When one is loaded with negative emotions such as loneliness, anger, hatred, bitterness, malice among others, he’s very near to the grave”.
Guess what? Even children benefit immensely from the love cycle. Also speaking in an exclusive interview with National Mirror, Dr. Efunbo Dosekun, Pediatrician and Chief Medical Director, Outreach Children’s Hospital, Festac, disclosed that infants who receive loving actions such as hugs regularly by their parents turn out to survive and live better than those who never receive such as love helps them live longer and fight diseases.
“Love has been discovered to be a very powerful antidote to fight stress, conflict and pain both mentally and physically. It has the power to heal and renew mental, emotional and physical well being. Medically, loving acts neutralize the kind of negative emotions which adversely affect immune, endocrine and cardiovascular functions in babies just as in adults” she explained.
Indeed, many studies have proved that people in a loving, long-term relationship have longer average life spans than those that are not in a partnership. This, researches so far, indicates may not be unconnected with the fact that when you’re in a relationship, your partner cares about your health. Therefore, he or she will encourage you to watch your health and discourage bad habits such as smoking, or working too much as no one who loves another person wants to see their partner sick.
Again, while falling in love or in love, it has been scientifically proven that physically, your heart rate increases and which causes increased blood flow to all parts of your body including your sexual organs. This has also been discovered to have positive effects on the mind and body.
So, if you’re single and aren’t currently in a relationship, you can still experience the health benefits of love through sharing it with those that are close to you such as family and friends.
Want to stay healthy? Make sure you get your daily dose of hugs, affection, smiles and physical sexual activity every now and then!
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