Obama shares a "progress message" backed with evidence

I love it when a President or Governor is working and he still create time to show off some beautiful off-duty swags. That is what President Obama is doing and a source told tobore that soon our own President Goodluck Jonathan too will be showing Nigerians clear evidences of his good works.

Below is a message Obama shared with Americans on Saturday:
"10.9 million new jobs. 10 million more Americans with health insurance. Manufacturing has grown. Our deficits have shrunk. Our dependence on foreign oil is down. Clean energy is up. More young Americans are graduating from high school and earning college degrees than ever before... 
"The United States of America continues to outperform much of the world. And we are going to keep it up until every American feels the gains of a growing economy where it matters most — in your own lives." 

NOTE: Watch out for information on job creation initiatives and infrastructural developments across the six geo-political zones by President Goodluck Jonathan. Is Jonathan really working? You will find out!

Check out the graph evidence of President Obama's message below...

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